Groups: Member
Joined: 10/8/2023 Posts: 98
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Selecting a portion of dvds on android app by scanning would allow you to update their location and other personal tags, groups, and information more easily. Obviously scanning an unentered movie would also allow it to be add as well during this process.
With this feature i could do the following:
Confirm inventory is entered into my collection. Confirm everything in a location is marked that way. Easily enter discs i am loaning. Easily change status of a group of dvds to sell or trade.
Ideally this feature might also include the ability to scan against a preselected list of movies. For example i could select on the app all movies filtered by location "shelf a" and then scan the movies on the shelf against that. I would then be able to quickly see whats missing and change info for either those scanned or those missing in one shot.
Groups: Administration
, Windows RT/8 Discussion Group
Joined: 2/1/2005 Posts: 49,998 Location: Aarhus, Denmark
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The problem here is what to do with items when you also scan titles that are not in the collection. We have a batch edit feature which is based on selecting titles - we perhaps could consider a "scan to select" feature, which just selects the titles you are scanning - question is if that would cover it. But if you then scan a title that is not in the collection, should you get the notification regarding I expect. Something similar have been considered as sort of an inventory check feature, where you would set the scanner for this, and you would scan and get a list of titles that are no longer in the collection, ect. Perhaps something like this could be joined. Having trouble installing or upgrading to My Movies 5? Click here for troubleshooting.Having a problem? Searching our Knowledge Base is always the first step.How can I produce a log file in My Movies for Windows?How can I fully uninstall My Movies for Windows