binnerup wrote:There unfortunately is not such option in the mobile apps.
Is this available at the Windows Software? If yes, couldn't find it which changes are done when I enter and the new information are downloaded.
Can I please name this as a future feature? The reason is quite easy: I want to get rid of my Excel list with > 2.000 movies and use your app only. Therefore it's frustrating when someone makes changes which are not correct (for example I found 2 movies, which are titled as TV-series and that's prooved wrong, just as an easy example) or write "Matalbook" instead of "Steelbook" (yes really Matal and even not Metal

I can't check my movies afterwards for all fields and content, they are simply too many. So we could track it and in case wrong information / changes are given, I could ask to lock the editing.
What do you think on this?