Purchase Points

Thank you for considering purchasing points for My Movies software. By purchasing points you are are able to unlock and access the advanced features in our software portfolio, and you are helping to ensure the continued development of the software packages.

Purchases are done using PayPal, and can be made either with a PayPal account, or without a PayPal account, using all major credit Cards. If you do not have a PayPal account, simply select the link below the text, "Don't have a PayPal account?", and you will be able to supply your credit card information.

If you would like to see details about which features you will unlock with a certain amount of points on your user account, please see this page. Your purchase will be instantly registered by the My Movies online service, and added to your user account, and you will receive a receipt e-mail both from us and from PayPal with the details of your purchase.

Notice that you are not required to have a My Movies account to purchase points - if you do not have one and later create one using the same e-mail you purchased points with, your points will automatically be added to your account. You can, at any time, move a purchase to any My Movies user account by supplying the Transaction Id or Receipt Id using this page.

Customers within Europe are charged $0.8 + 25% Danish VAT/Taxes ($1 total) per 25 points, while customers outside Europe are charged $1 per 25 points (VAT/Taxes not required). This ensures that all users pay the same amount for their purchase. Customers within Europe, please use the "Buy now" buttons with the EU logo - customers outside Europe, please use the "Buy now" buttons with the globe.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on support@mymovies.dk. We would be happy to explain our pricing structure, if you are unsure of which functionality you gain by purchasing.

It is important that you select the European "Buy now" buttons if you live in an EU country. Your final price will not be affected by this.

Currently discounted by 50% until the end of March, allowing you to index your collection while many are tied to their homes due to the horrible sitaution world-wide.

Customers outside EU/Europe ($1 $0.50 total per 25 points):
Customers within EU/Europe ($0.8 $0.4 + 25% VAT, $1 $0.50 total per 25 points):