Beginners Guide Collection Management

The following steps will help you get started with My Movies Collection Management for Windows.
Step 1: Download and Install
Step 2: Login
Step 3: Add Titles
Step 4: View Your Collection
Step 5: Change Personal Data
Step 6: Synchronize Your Collection
Step 7: Windows Media Center

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-Step 1: Download and Installation

You can choose to download only the Collection Management or to download My Movies for Windows Media Center which also contains the Collection Management. If Windows Media Center is installed on your pc it is recommended that you download My Movies for Windows Media Center which gives you an easy to use front-end to browse your collection with. Read more about My Movies for Windows Media Center on the product page.
If you wish to only download Collection Management go to this download page.
If you wish to download My Movies for Windows Media Center including Collection Management go to this download page.

Once the program is downloaded follow the steps in the installation wizard to install the program. For a walkthrough of the installation please read this article.

-Step 2: Login

You need at My Movies user account or a Facebook account to be able to use My Movies. If you do not have a My Movies account click the 'Register' button to create an account. After you have submitted the form you will receive an email asking you to confirm your account. If you experience problems receiving the activation email, please visit our documentation page for help with account activation problems. If you have an existing My Movies collection, after login synchronize your collection before you move on.

If you have no points to your account you will after login, be met with an explanation of limitations and the points system. The basic functionalities of our Windows products are free to use, but to get extended features to enhance the movie experience you can purchase points, or contribute title data to earn contribution points. View the feature table to see how many points the individual features requires. Read more about product pricing and contribution and purchase points.

Once you are logged in you will see an empty collection.

Button functions:

Add titles to your collection, either by barcode, title, disc ID, upcoming titles, folder import or manually create a title.
Contribute title cover to the webservice.
Contribute title data and cover to the webservice.
Contribute title data to the webservice.
Change title source and data if you for example wish to find the title from a different country.
Delete the title from your collection.
Update title profiles from webservice to have the most current title data.
Update TV series from webservice to have the most current TV series data.
Update actor and crew profiles from webservice to have the most current actor and crew data.
Update all content from webservice to have the most current title, TV series, actor and crew data.
Report incorrect data.
Refresh title list.
Edit movie details online.

-Step 3: Add titles

To add titles to your collection click the 'Add Titles' in the top left corner, or open the 'Title' menu and choose 'Add Titles'. You have different options to add titles by:
Barcode scan or manual typing: If you have the barcode,
Titles search: If you only have the title,
Disc Id: If you have the disc,
Folder import: If your titles are stored on your PC or server,
Upcoming titles: A calendar of released, new and upcoming releases,
TV Series: If your title is a TV series and
Manually add titles: If your title is not in our online service and you wish to add it.

Barcode scan or manual typing

Click the image of the webcam to start the webcam and hold the cover so that the camera can scan the barcode. If the camera cannot register the barcode or the barcode is broken, you can type the barcode manually in the barcode field in the upper left corner. When the field turns green it means that the barcode is valid. The program will now search the online service to determine if a title with that barcode exists, the search result will be visible in the bottom field. To ensure that it is the correct title, you can use the 'Preview' button below the search result field to view details of the title.

Title search

If you do not have the barcode, you can type in the title in the search field and the program will search the online service for any title that matches your search, the search result will be visible in the bottom field. To ensure that it is the correct title, you can use the 'Preview' button below the search result field to view details of the title.

Read disc Id

You can add the title by inserting the disc and the program will calculate the disc id and search the online service for a match of the disc id, the search result will be visible in the bottom field. To ensure that it is the correct title, you can use the 'Preview' button below the search result field to view details of the title.

Import folders containing stored titles

If you have titles stored locally or on a server you can add these titles by importing the folders and My Movies will automatically detect the titles and add them to your collection. Click the 'Browse' button to select the folder in which your movies are located and click the 'Import' button.

Select from upcoming titles

You can look through a list of released, new releases or upcoming releases specified by date and country. The search result for the period you specify will be visible in the bottom field. To ensure that it is the correct title, you can use the 'Preview' button below the search result field to view details of the title.

Adding a TV Series

If you have TV series these can be added as complete series instead of individual seasons through the title search. Type the name of the TV series in the search field and the result will be visible in the bottom field. You can also manually create a TV series if it does not exist in the online service.

Manually add title

If your title is not found through the online service you can add the title manually and contribute it to the online service making it available to all users.

Before a title is added you must choose whether it should be added as offline or online (This is not the case with folder import, since they are automatically online):
Choose offline if your titles are not stored on your pc and you just want to use Collection Management to catalogue them.
Choose online if your titles are stored on your pc or server. Once you click 'Online' a folder window will open for you to select the folder in which the title is stored. If you wish to use Collection Management to rip your DVD's and Blu-ray's* and store them on your pc or server, close the 'Add Title' window, insert the disc and wait for a prompt asking you if you wish to add the title or copy the disc (This feature requires 1250 points).

Clicking offline or online will add the title to 'Add Queue' on the right. Once you are finished adding titles to the queue you can add the titles to your collection by choosing which group the titles should be added to. This is done by clicking the arrow on the add button which by default is set to 'Owned, For Keeps'. When you have chosen a group you click the button and the titles will be added to your collection. You will be prompted to update the actor or crew profiles once the titles are added, you should do this to ensure that you have the newest data.

Now the titles are added to your collection and you can see them in the left side of the window. Clicking on a title will show the title data in the main area of the window

-Step 4: View your collection

To view your collection you can
Choose which group should be display,
Add filters,
Sort the list and
Search your collection.

You can choose which group should be listed in the title list. You can choose between 'All Groups', 'Owned, For Keeps', 'Owned, For Sale', 'Owned, For Trade', 'Owned, For Sale or Trade', 'Previously Owned', 'Ordered', 'Wished', 'Rented' and 'Previously Rented'. These are the groups you can choose between, when you add titles to your collection.

You can create filters to show titles with specific data options such as type, genre, watched status and more. To create a filter click the funnel icon and the 'Edit Filters' window will open. Click the plus funnel icon to create a new filter, this enables the filter options where you can change name and choose which options should apply to that filter. Once a filter is created it will be available in the filter drop down menu. To delete a filter, open the 'Edit Filters' window, select the filter you wish to delete and click the button with the red cross.

You can sort the title list by title, collection number and completeness. To sort by title click the 'Title' label just above the listing, to sort by collection number click the '#' label and to sort by completeness click the empty square above the column with completeness indicators.

To search your collection for a specific title you can use the 'Title Filter' field in the top menu bar. The title list will then display the title(s) that fit your search.

-Step 5: Change personal data

In the bottom of the title detail area is a section for personal data. The first button allows you to assign custom categories to the title.

The second button opens the 'Edit Personal Information' window where you have the option to change collection number, register a loan, add purchase details and much more.

-Step 6: Synchronize collection

To ensure that you will never lose your data you must synchronize your collection with the online server. This is also important if you access your collection from other clients, such as iPhone, iPad or Android devices, ensuring that your collection is complete on all clients. To synchronize your collection, open the menu 'WebService' and select 'Synchronize Online and Mobile Collection'. If you have added titles using the Collection Management you should select 'Upload to Server', if you have added titles using a different client choose 'Download to Client'.
WARNING: If you select 'Upload to Server' all your data on the online servers and mobile devices will be replaced by your local Collection Management collection. If you select 'Download to Server' your local Collection Management collection will be replaced by the collection on the online servers, including titles added from mobile devices.
Therefor if you use more than one client to access your My Movies Collection, you should always start and end by synchronizing your collection.

-Step 7: Windows Media Center

If you have chosen to install My Movies for Windows Media Center your collection will be available in the Media Center. Open Windows Media Center and choose 'Movies', now you can easily browse through your collection. Read more about My Movies for Windows Media Center on the product page and how to get started with this.

For further help please visit our How-To section for articles and video tutorials.

* Due to legality in several countries, My Movies do not backup copy protected DVD, HD-DVD or Blu-ray titles. Users in countries that allow circumventing CSS and AACS copy protections when backing up their movies can install SlySoft AnyDVD HD to remove these copy protections at driver level.