Video Tutorials


Welcome to our Video Tutorials section - on this page, our staff and moderators, will guide you through a set of My Movies tasks using short and easily understandable video tutorials. You can use this page to either go through the videos and watch them one by one, to quickly become a power user, or use them for reference when you need to learn more about a specific task.

If you are considering taking part in contributing to the My Movies WebService, it is recommended to watch the contribution videos, as well as reading the contribution guide, to ensure that you do this correctly. These videos can found in the My Movies Collection Management for Windows section and the My Movies for Mac OS X section.

We hope that these videos are helpful to you, and we hope to hear from you either on or in our forums if there are other features you would like explained through a video.

Select Product

My Movies for Windows Media Center    

My Movies for Windows 7 or 8 Media Center

My Movies Collection Management    

My Movies Collection Management for Windows

My Movies for Mac OS X    

My Movies for Mac OS X

My Movies for Windows Home Server    

My Movies for Windows Home Server 2011

My Movies for iPhone, iPad and Android    

My Movies for iPhone, iPad and Android

Our applications for iPhone, iPad and Android are functionality wise near identical, and video tutorials are therefore placed in one section convering all of these applications. 

My Movies Online Collection    

My Movies Online Collection


Legacy Products

My Movies for Windows Home Server    

My Movies for Windows Home Server