Online Collection
The My Movies Online Collection is an online website of your movie collection, hosted on our website. It allows you to synchronize your collection with our servers, and then share the details of the titles you have in your collection with family and friends.
Functionality wise, the online collection is not a product of it's own, but an integrated part of any of the My Movies products.
Once you have created your collection in any of the My Movies products you can enable the online collection from either of these products, and your collection website is available for you instantly.
Password protection
If you are ready to share the details of your collection with a selected number of persons, but aren't ready to share it with the world, you can choose to password protect your online collection, and share the password only with the people that should be able to see the details your collection.
Selected groups
You can using the configuration for your online collection choose to include all or only select groups, such as owned for keeps, owned for sale, wished or similar. By using the groups, you can use the online collection actively when selling or swapping titles on online forums or when family or friends would like to see your wishlist when buying gifts - link to your online collection, and other users can see titles you have for sale, for trade or which ones you are currently after.
Your online collection is by default available on the address, where "demonstration" should be replaced by your username on your My Movies account. By extending the address, you can link to a filtered subset of your online collection, or link to a specific title. Some examples using a demonstration online collection could be a direct link to all your Blu-ray titles on the address or you can link to a specific group by adding "wished", "owned" or similar keyword to the address.
You can even link directly to a title by adding the barcode of the title to the collection address.
Our system have a demonstration user set up with an online collection, allowing you to see specifically how the online collection looks and functions. You can open the demonstration online collection by clicking the below screenshot: