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Thank you for considering to join the My Movies installer program.

Once you have completed the below form, a PayPal invoice for the $250 sign-up fee is sent to you, and an e-mail is sent with your login details for the My Movies installer area.

The installer area contains a detailed information page, it allows you to download your installer files and the included demonstration licenses, and it allows you to purchase licenses for customer devices.

Notice! The direct sign-up form allows you to get started quickly, but should you fail to pay the sign-up fee invoice, and you have not contacted us regarding, we will suspend the account, and unload any licenses applied to devices from the account.
Company Details
Primary Contact Name:     
Primary Contact E-mail:    Communication will be sent to this addresss.
Payment E-mail:    Invoices will be sent to this address.
VAT Number (EU Only):     
Logo (Optional):   Logo image must be JPG format, with a maximum width of 230 pixels, and a maximum height of 185 pixels, but must be exactly either 230 pixels wide or 185 pixels high. It is recommeded to have a one pixel black border around the logo.
Installer Page Listing
List Type: Integrator
  Depending on which solution types and services you provide, you can choose to be listed on the page for integrators, or on the page for manufacturers. The page for integrators is intended for companies who deliver solutions directly to the end-users, and the listing is available from within the My Movies product pages and download pages for end-users to see. The page for manufacturers is intended for companies who deliver devices to other professionals, either directly or through distributors. This listing will be available in the 'Professional' area of the My Movies website. If you do not wish to be listed on our website, you may choose 'Unlisted'. Companies are not allowed to be listed both as integrators and manufacturers, which means that if both lists applies to your company and the provided solutions, you will have to choose which you would like to prioritize.
Existing Customer
Required Confirmation:   Protecting our customers investment in their My Movies based products is important for us. Therefore we do not allow companies who are existing customers of our partners to join our installer program, without the consent of our existing partner. If you are unable to check this checkbox, contact to discuss your options.